Brag Document 2023

Hi folks and future myself. This is how I have been busy during the latter half of 2023.

This year was filled with a lot of learning, a lot of failing and a lot of fun.

June 2023 - July 2023

I learnt basic Web Development with ReactJS framework. Completed the Web Dev Course by Angela Yu and it has been nothing but fun. I spent my June and July on ReactJS. The course was by no means complete at least until June 2023. Particularly, for ReactJS it was only useState() and useEffect() only. Yet, these were crucial in my development as a Web Developer. She teaches you how to think. And that’s what I found awesome about this course. After this, I browsed through YouTube and found this channel that completely shifted my learning pace. Codebasics. Can’t recommend enough. Even now more than ever. This is among those rare channels that actually has tests and not just for name sake.

Project Description results/opinion/links
My Intro to Web Development Finished Angela Yu’s course The Certificate
Hisab First Kinda good looking webpage to help split bill. Hisab
Pie that Sheet A glorified pomodoro clock but it will surely remind you that you are slacking off Pie that sheet
Tic-Tac-Toe Can only be played between two people, sorry if you are single TicTacToe

August 2023 - September 2023

I enrolled for the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning minor degree at my college and despite having a good teacher, we still didn’t study much. But that did spark some interest in Machine Learning and I began learning some stuff on my own. This was also the time I began preapring for summer internships. so August was basically juggling between ML/AI and my worst enemy. D S A. People and recruiters combined seem crazy for DSA. So I kept myself busy there.

Project Description results/opinion/links
Breast Cancer Wisconsin Comparison of primitive ML techniques’ performance on a similar data. The Notebook
DSA At the time of writing my rating is 1618 leetcode - CN

October 2023 - December 2023

October was a turn around phase for me. I met someone who I can now consider my mentor. I found out the actual importance of git. After that I found out about this great book to learn Go and TDD and it was just amazing. It was a complete perspective change and the beginning of my actual coding skills. The entire list of projects I did:

Project Description results/opinion/links
Githug Best way to get introduced to git. There’s learning, fun and challenge combined. Githug
Pro Git book Couldn’t complete it, I did read a few chapters from it but they were awesome and it will be my time killer when I’m bored. Pro Git Book
Go Say Hello My first complete lesson Here is my blogpost for each topic I learnt in the book, LGWT
GoShowTree My first TDD project GoShowTree

More updates in next Brag Doc.